Splendora Athletic Booster Club By Laws

Splendora Athletic Booster Club Constitution & By-laws 2024-2025
Amended 08/21/2024
Amended: 08/21/24
Splendora Athletic Booster Club 2024-2025
Article I: Name and Location
Section 1 Name:
The name of this organization shall be Splendora Athletic Booster Club, herein referred to as the Athletic Booster Club or SABC.
Section 2: Location
The Athletic Booster Club shall be located at Splendora ISD.
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Article II: Purpose and Policies
A. To promote existing and future athletic programs in the Splendora ISD.
B. To encourage the broadest participation in both boys and girls athletic programs.
C. To develop an understanding and appreciation of the purpose and benefits of the athletic program.
D. To develop between coaches, administrators and the general public such united efforts will secure for all youths the highest advantages in a physical, mental, social and spiritual atmosphere.
E. To raise funds for the Splendora ISD athletic programs.
F. To develop the club’s purposes through committees and projects.
G. To avoid any actions which would appear to interfere with the administration of the school or control its policies.
H. Any type of theft will result in automatic removal from SABC membership/Board and will be reported to SISD Police Department.
I. SABC debit card is for SABC use only. Accidental charges must be paid back within 24 hours. If not repaid, you will be removed from the SABC Board immediately.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Eligibility for Membership
A. Membership shall be open to any person who is at least 19 years old and subscribes to the purpose and policies of the Splendora Athletic Booster Club
Section 2: Membership Levels
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A. Active member
a. An “active member” is one who is a current SABC member, who participates in a minimum of 5 (five) meetings per school year and volunteers to work a minimum of 16 (sixteen) hours at various SABC events within August and May of the current school year.
b. All active members of good standing shall be eligible to run for a board position for the upcoming year. Must attend minimum 5 (five) consecutive meetings and completed 16 (sixteen) hours of volunteer work at various SABC events from August to May of the current school year.
B. Board Member
a. An elected position which includes the President, Vice-president, Concessionaire and Co-Concessionaire, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, social media/Tech, Volunteer Coordinator and Merchandising Coordinator.
b. All SABC Board members of good standing shall have unrestricted Booster Club privileges to make motions and/or vote.
Section 3: Honorary Membership
Honorary membership of this club shall consist of the Superintendent, Principal of Splendora High School, Assistant Principals of the Splendora High School, coaches of the Splendora ISD, Principal of Splendora Junior High and individuals as the membership may desire to elect. All honorary memberships of this club shall consist of the Splendora members and will be invited to become advisors of the Board of Directors and will have NO vote.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1: Elected Officers
Elected officers of this Booster Club shall be a President, a Vice President, a Concessionaire, a Co-Concessionaire, a merchandiser, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Volunteer Coordinator.
Section 2: Terms of Office
A. The term of office for all elected officers shall be two years from time of installation on July 1 of the elected year to the last day in June of the second year.
B. No officer shall be eligible to serve more than 4 (four) consecutive terms in the same office unless their nomination goes uncontested.
Article V: Composition of Governing Body
Section 1: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors will consist of the officers holding elected positions in the Booster Club, the Athletic Director or Designee.
Section 2: Basic Duties
A. The Board of Directors basic duties will be to:
a. Coordinate and supervise all activities of the Booster Club
b. Collect and disburse the Booster Club monies
B. Each Board member will have one vote with the exception of:
a. Presiding Officer, who will only vote to break a tie,
b. Athletic Director, or designee, who will serve in an advisory capacity,
c. Honorary members who will serve in an advisory capacity.
A.  A member desiring to propose any amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws shall present the same in writing with his/her signature to the Board of Directors.
B. The Board of Directors will present the amendment to the membership with its recommendation.
C. The amendment to the Constitution will be read at the business meeting prior to the date the vote is taken.
D. The amendment to the Constitution must be approved by majority of the Board of Directors present.
E. An amendment to the Constitution will become effective immediately upon approval of the Active membership.  
F. Removal of current Board Member is majority of the Board Members.
A. If at any time a new constitution and by-laws is deemed necessary such document must be subject to the same review and approval procedures as stated in ARTICLE VI, SECTION 1.
B. On that date, this Constitution will automatically be rescinded.
A. Upon dissolution of the Booster Club, all liabilities must be satisfied.
B. All assets shall be converted to cash and disbursed pursuant to the "objectives" of this organization.
C. No officer and/or member are to benefit monetarily.
D. Assets abandoned on or after dissolution will be acquired by the Athletic Director of Splendora ISD for disposal.
All SABC Officers are required to participate in the operation of SABC functions. This includes, but is not limited to, Scholarship Fundraiser Event, Sports Banquet, Spirit Item sales, and Concession Stand duties at scheduled athletic events. Board Member’s responsibility or concession hours worked will be evenly divided at the beginning of each sport season by taking a total number of openings divided by the number of Board Members. Each Board Member is responsible for signing up on Signup Genius.
A. The President shall perform duties as are usually attached to the Office of President to follow:
I. Appoint chairpersons of standing and special committees and Assist chairperson as necessary. 
II. Oversee activities of the organization based on plans and programs of the Athletic Booster Club.
III. The President shall be the reporting member to the SISD Board of Directors upon request.
IV. Be responsible for the overall management to include:
a. Accountability of assets,
b. Authority to sign on all banking transactions not to exceed $500. Above this amount, both the signature of the President and Treasurer are required. Any purchase above $500 requires board approval.
c. Satisfaction of liabilities,
d. Disposing of residual assets on dissolution,
e. Ensuring responsible financial management as the By-Laws and the SABC specify,
f. Scholarship Fundraiser Activities
g. Two days in advance the agenda will be approved and posted.
A. The Vice-President shall assist the President.
B. In the President's absence, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President.
C. The Vice-President shall succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy.
D. Oversees merchandise position if not filled.
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A. The Concessionaire shall coordinate all concession stand(s): inventory & supplies. Concessionaire will pick up and deliver supplies to the concession stand(s).
B. Act as the liaison between the SABC and other support organizations.
A. The Recording Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings. This person shall present the minutes from regular meetings for the approval by the 5 members. A copy of the minutes will be made available to the membership and to the High School bookkeeper within 30 days of meeting
B. Confirm the meeting location with Board Members.
C. Will provide a meeting agenda to the President four days prior to meeting.
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A. The Treasurer shall collect and keep an accurate account of all monies, notes, and similar property belonging to the Athletic Booster Club. Records shall include all receipts and disbursements for the Athletic Booster Club.
B. This person shall deposit sums received by the Athletic Booster Club in the name of the group in such depositories as shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
C. The Treasurer will act as custodian of the Athletic Booster Clubs assets.
D. Both the signature of the President, Vice President and/or Treasurer are required on all banking transactions over $500. Any purchase above $500 requires board approval.
E. The Treasurer will ensure that a financial report is presented at each regular meeting. A copy of this report will be made available to the membership and to the Secretary of the Athletic Department within thirty (30) days of meeting.
F. Submit books to the SABC Board as requested.
G. Submit taxes to the Internal Revenue Service on behalf of the SABC by July 1st of every year.
H. Reimbursements require submission of a receipt within thirty (30) days of purchase(s). Reimbursement will occur within ten (10) business days.
I. Banking transaction is defined as: Cash withdrawal up to $500, anything over $500 has to be approved other than concession purchases.
A. The Volunteer Coordinator shall oversee the Volunteer Schedule.
B. Track Volunteer Hours onto the Master Membership list
C. Collect and assemble a list of all SABC volunteers and notify said volunteers of upcoming shifts and Booster Club activities.
D. Communicate with the Social Media Tech position of needs to be posted.
A. The merchandise coordinator oversees the SABC Spirit Sales duties including any online invoicing and payments.
B. Shall oversee advertising Spirit Sales on social media.
C. Shall keep inventory, gather pricing, designs and present to Board for final approval.
A. Technology
B. Manage & Maintain website
C. Coordinate Website Advertisement
D. Maintain plug-ins for media purchase
E. Manage volunteer recognition, booster club donation
F. Maintain sign-ups/volunteer calendar on website
G. Communicate with Volunteer Coordinator
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A. A slate of nominees will be submitted by the Board of Directors at the March Business Meeting. Must be in good standing, must have completed 16 (sixteen) hours of volunteering for SABC events, must have attended 5 (five) consecutive meetings from August to May within the current school year.
B. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the March and April Open Business Meetings.
C. Nominee must be present at the Open Business Meetings.
D. Nominee must be an Active Member in good standing. A Good Standing Member/Nominee is considered to be passionate, reliable, a team player, patient, creative, energetic, positive, willing to help, compassionate, and organized. These qualities ensure that you’re a great fit and an asset not only to the SABC organization but to our Splendora athletes.
E. Elected president must have served one year within the last three calendar years on SABC to be eligible for the President position or by majority of Board vote.
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A. Any Active Board Member of the SABC is eligible to vote.
B. In all voting procedures, there shall be only one vote per Active Board Member. 
A. Voting for elections will take place at the May meeting, with the position starting in June.
B. Voting can be ballot or acclamation.
C. Ballots may be prepared by the Secretary.
D. Ballots will be counted by the Board of Directors.
E. A candidate will be elected if he/she receives a quorum of vote and wins the majority vote..
F. In case of a tie vote, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
G. Only qualified members (see member criteria) attending the May meeting may vote.
H. Votes by proxy will not be allowed.
I. The elected officer will take office July 1st of the elected year.
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A. Must be an Active Member, in Good Standing, of the Splendora Athletic Booster Club in the year of the election.
B. Must be at 5 (five) consecutive meetings with 16 (sixteen) completed volunteer hours for any SABC events between August and May of the current school year.
C. Must be confirmed by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
D. If unable to attend a meeting, you must be present via Zoom. Only one Zoom meeting per school year.
E. Must pass a background check.
F. Must not have previously resigned or left the SABC organization on bad terms.
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For any business or special meetings of the Athletic Booster Club, a Quorum shall consist of those Board Members present. Amended 08/21/2024
Amended 08/21/2024
  A quorum for any business or a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be two-thirds (2/3) of the board members.
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A. Open Meetings: meetings for active members every month.
A. Revenues
a. The revenues of the Athletic Booster Club shall be derived from monies from revenue producing activities.
b. All pertinent Texas tax laws shall be observed.
B. Donations
a. Gifts will be readily accepted.
C. Fundraisers
a. Primary funding for the Splendora Athletic Booster Club shall come from concessions, spirit items, promotions and advertising.
b. All fundraising activities must be approved by the Splendora High School Principal before they begin.
A. The SABC Board shall be empowered to expend up to one hundred dollars ($100.00) monthly as Athletic Booster Club emergencies arise. B. Departing gifts will not be given per UlL rules.
A. An annual audit of the SABC funds shall be performed upon request of SISD.
B. In addition, there will be an interim audit performed if there is a change in the Treasurer.
Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall govern the Athletic Booster Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.
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THE SABC will award four (4) total scholarships to any male or female senior meeting Booster Club scholarship requirements who has been accepted to a college or other higher learning institution who also meets the following requirements:
A student graduating in 2025 applying for the scholarship will be required to volunteer at SABC events for a minimum of 40 hours by April 1st of that child’s graduating class year. A student or student representative may work towards those hours. Students graduating until 2024 are grandfathered to 16 volunteer hours.
The scholarship application will also include the required essay.
Scholarship recipients:
Checks will be delivered to the scholarship winner once proof of payment/enrollment of college or other higher learning institution has been received by the SABC Treasurer.
If approved proof is not received or there are no eligible recipients, the scholarship money will be put back into the SABC funds.
Any male or female college/secondary education bound senior athlete may apply for any of the listed scholarships.
● $1,000 Dale Martin Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to one senior who meets SABC scholarship requirements
● $1,000 Pete Boucher Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to one senior who meets SABC scholarship requirements.
● Two $1,000 Athletic Booster Club Scholarship will be awarded to one senior who meets SABC scholarship requirement
1. Completed scholarship applications must be emailed to Athletic Director and the Secretary to the Athletic Director before the deadline. It must contain the required essay per guidelines.
2. A committee of at least 5 individuals will review and vote for each winner. The committee may be made up of a combination of a counselor, a coach, a teacher, a campus administrator, or a booster club member. A family member of Deny Duhon, 10 Pete Boucher, and Dale Martin may also be allowed to vote after reviewing the applicants.
3. Each committee member will award the applicant a point value, a value of 1-10 with 10 being the highest. The point values will be totaled and the scholarships awarded accordingly. In the event of a tie, the scholarship will be divided equally.
4. Each recipient will receive a check from the Splendora Athletic Booster Club.