

A. Active member
a. An “active member” is one who is a current SABC member, who participates in a minimum of 7 (seven) meetings by person or Zoom per school year and volunteers to work a minimum of 16 (sixteen) hours at various SABC events during that school year.
b. All SABC members of good standing shall have unrestricted Booster Club privileges to make motions and/or vote.
c. All members of good standing shall be eligible to run for a board position for the upcoming year.

B. Board Member
a. An elected position which includes the President, Vice-president, Concessionair and Co‑Concessionair, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator and Merchandising Coordinator.
b. All SABC Board members of good standing shall have unrestricted Booster Club privileges to make motions and/or vote.

Section 3: Honorary Membership

Honorary membership of this club shall consist of the Superintendent, Principal of Splendora High School, Assistant Principals of the Splendora High School, coaches of the Splendora ISD, Principal of Splendora Junior High and individuals as the membership may desire to elect. All honorary memberships of this club shall consist of the Splendora members and will be invited to become advisors of the Board of Directors and will have NO vote.

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: Elected Officers
Elected officers of this Booster Club shall be a President, a Vice President, a Concessionaire, a Co‑Concessionaire, a Merchandiser, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Volunteer Coordinator.

Section 2: Terms of Office
A. The term of office for all elected officers shall be two years from time of installation on July 1 of the elected year to the last day in June of the second year.
B. No officer shall be eligible to serve more than 4 (four) consecutive terms in the same office unless their nomination goes uncontested.